About Highbridge

Highbridge Materials Consulting, Inc. is a laboratory firm based in Pleasantville, NY just twenty miles north of New York City. Highbridge was founded by John Walsh, a geologist and petrographer with a passion for forensic science. After ten years building a specialized materials science department with a dedicated staff of professional scientists at his former employer, John took his passion and his team and created Highbridge in 2008.
The firm was built around a desire to focus our services on our expertise in the microscopical and chemical analysis of building materials. In this way, we are able to give our undivided attention to the in-depth analytical work that our clients have come to rely upon.   Our company has grown as our clients discover the breadth of construction issues our methods can solve. At the same time, we remain the small firm that allows us to be available personally when questions arise. It is the personal commitment to our clients and care for their projects that has made Highbridge a trusted member of their project team time and time again.
We understand that petrography and chemical analysis may be unfamiliar to some.  New clients are often surprised at the extent of issues that can be addressed from the causes of concrete cracking, to the durability of construction materials in aggressive environments, to the study and characterization of historic building components. We invite you to contact us with your questions whether you have a pressing need for our services today or simply would like to learn more about our specialized field.